Target Nutra

Simple solutions mitigate herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections: Further evidence for a Retardant Effect

Supplementary Data, RE's

[AP] = Apparent Prevention (Green)
[TL] = Testimonial (Blue)
[RE] = Suggestion of Retardant Effect (Purple)

15:54, 12 July 2019, sex: MALE
15:54, 12 July 2019, skin: WHITE
15:55, 12 July 2019, site: LOWER BODY
15:55, 12 July 2019, complications: NO
15:55, 12 July 2019, no-yearly: 14
15:55, 12 July 2019, total-no: 20+
15:56, 12 July 2019, place: SAME PLACE
16:06, 12 July 2019, symptoms:
First painful outbreak of vesicles and a couple subsequent were on my penis end.//Confirmed HSV-2 by Doctor.//Subsequent outbreaks moved to skin on my bottom on and surrounding an old skin injury that had healed.//Now painful swelling and small bumps.

Sent 1.6g HA1 (first of Batch 8) 13/7/19.

9:12, 15 September 2019, signchk: 1500la1x.1
9:12, 15 September 2019, trial: HA1
9:12, 15 September 2019, use: Using as required, now
9:12, 15 September 2019, severity: Severity-2
9:12, 15 September 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
9:12, 15 September 2019, summary: Better than anything
9:13, 15 September 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
9:13, 15 September 2019, relief: A lot
9:14, 15 September 2019, extra:
[RE]Great reduction in frequency of outbreaks. Now maybe 20% of previous occurrence.[/RE] [TL]Far more effective than [topical] Zovirax.[/TL]

7:50, 22 December 2019, signchk: 1500la1x.1
7:50, 22 December 2019, trial: HA1
7:50, 22 December 2019, use: Using as required, now
7:50, 22 December 2019, severity: Severity-3
7:50, 22 December 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
7:50, 22 December 2019, summary: Better than most
7:50, 22 December 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
7:50, 22 December 2019, relief: A lot
7:52, 22 December 2019, extra:
[RE]Target HA1 reduces the frequency of outbreaks and the duration I believe and so will continue using it.[/RE] First day of the new outbreak was yesterday.

20:42, 20 April 2018, sex: MALE
20:43, 20 April 2018, skin: WHITE
20:43, 20 April 2018, site: UPPER BODY
20:43, 20 April 2018, complications: NO
20:43, 20 April 2018, no-yearly: 24
20:44, 20 April 2018, total-no: 20+
20:44, 20 April 2018, place: MOVES AROUND
20:48, 20 April 2018, symptoms:
Upper lip more often site of the outbreak. Lower lip is targeted when immune system is low/stressed.//Lately it is spreading towards my nose and inside the left nostril.//A spot growing near the lips would cause an imminent outbreak.

Sent 1g HA1 21/4/18.

8:11, 24 April 2018, signchk: 1881ua1
8:11, 24 April 2018, trial: HA1
8:12, 24 April 2018, use: Using as required, now
8:12, 24 April 2018, severity: Severity-1
8:12, 24 April 2018, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
8:12, 24 April 2018, summary: Better than most
8:12, 24 April 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
8:19, 24 April 2018, extra:
Weekend party drug user here, outbreaks are becoming weekly or bi-weekly due to low immune system. I have applied HA1 on Monday first time (outbreaks starts usually on Monday or Tuesday after the weekend) on old scabs that are about to fall off. Tingling/warm sensation kept going on until today morning. Applied some more this morning and tingling went, lips are feeling near normal now. No outbreaks yet, and this would be a very first! Fingers crossed.


23:02, 2 July 2018, signchk: 1881ua1
23:02, 2 July 2018, trial: HA1
23:03, 2 July 2018, use: Have used
23:03, 2 July 2018, severity: Severity-0
23:03, 2 July 2018, tolerance: Significant brief irritation
23:03, 2 July 2018, summary: Better than anything
23:03, 2 July 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
23:03, 2 July 2018, relief: A lot
23:07, 2 July 2018, extra:
[RE]Haven't used it in 3 weeks now. Party drugs still used weekly, immune system kinda low but no outbreaks anymore.[/RE] Feels like the virus knows now that it cannot attack anymore after the low immune system period after the big party nights.

8:06, 12 February 2018, sex: MALE
8:06, 12 February 2018, skin: WHITE
8:06, 12 February 2018, site: UPPER BODY
8:06, 12 February 2018, complications: NO
8:07, 12 February 2018, no-yearly: 11
8:07, 12 February 2018, total-no: 20+
8:07, 12 February 2018, place: SAME PLACE
8:09, 12 February 2018, symptoms:
Always on my lips, usually bottom right corner, but can be anywhere on lips. Very regular.

Sent 1g HA1 12/2/18.


11:41, 3 April 2018, signchk: 1890ua1
11:41, 3 April 2018, trial: HA1
11:42, 3 April 2018, use: Using as required, now
11:42, 3 April 2018, severity: Severity-1
11:42, 3 April 2018, tolerance: No irritation
11:42, 3 April 2018, summary: Better than anything
11:42, 3 April 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
11:47, 3 April 2018, extra:
Had an outbreak on 28th March. Two vesicles appear lower down than I have ever had, half way between my chin and bottom lip. Applied the HA1 liquid. [TL]Within 24 hours both vesicles scabbed over. By the 1st of April the first vesicle had completely vanished. As of today (3rd of April) the second vesicle is still a scab, but a very small, relatively unnoticeable one. Very pleased.[/TL]

Email 30/4/18: "I haven't made any reports recently, I haven't had any symptoms. [RE]It's probably the longest period I have been without in a number of months. Don't know if that would have anything to do with HA1??[/RE]"

9:04, 2 May 2018, signchk: 1890ua1
9:04, 2 May 2018, trial: HA1
9:05, 2 May 2018, use: Using as required, now
9:05, 2 May 2018, severity: Severity-1
9:05, 2 May 2018, tolerance: No irritation
9:05, 2 May 2018, summary: Better than anything
9:05, 2 May 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
9:13, 2 May 2018, extra:
[RE]I went a few weeks without any symptoms, which is the longest I have been without an outbreak.[/RE] Shortly after I sent you an email notifying you of this I actually had an outbreak.//Two medium sized vesicles appeared on the lower right corner of my lip (30/04/18). Applied the HA1 to the whole area.//It's now 02/05/18 and they have scabbed over. The scabs are very thin, and just appear as if I have a slightly dry/chapped area. [TL]By far the best treatment I have used. Thanks[/TL]

OUTBREAKS "Outbreaks this year, between 6-9, can't remember exactly"
SAME PLACE "Yes, mostly in the same place, upper lip on the left, also get them occasionally on upper lip, right, or lower lip."


Remaining HB3 returned and sent 1.5g HA1 8/2/18.


20:03, 7 March 2019, signchk: 2603uf2x.3
20:03, 7 March 2019, trial: HA1
20:03, 7 March 2019, use: Using as required, now
20:03, 7 March 2019, severity: Severity-2
20:04, 7 March 2019, tolerance: No irritation
20:04, 7 March 2019, summary: Better than anything
20:05, 7 March 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
20:05, 7 March 2019, relief: A lot
20:11, 7 March 2019, extra:
[RE]First coldsore since last September ish. This time last year they were every week.[/RE] Awoke with very small red swelling, usual stinging but no visible blisters. Have been applying HA1 throughout the day. It hasn't got any worse. Feels huge on my lip but isn't in reality. It is stinging slightly constantly but not as painful as previously. HA1 application numbs it for a short while.

23:11, 1 July 2018, sex: FEMALE
23:11, 1 July 2018, skin: WHITE
23:12, 1 July 2018, site: LOWER BODY
23:12, 1 July 2018, complications: NO
23:12, 1 July 2018, no-yearly: 6
23:12, 1 July 2018, total-no: 20+
23:12, 1 July 2018, place: MOVES AROUND
23:15, 1 July 2018, symptoms:
Hsv 1 + 2//Outer Labia//Painful swellings and bumps.//Blisters. weeping sores

Sent 1.25g HA1 20/11/18.


17:08, 13 June 2019, signchk: 2610la1
17:08, 13 June 2019, trial: HA1
17:08, 13 June 2019, use: Have used
17:08, 13 June 2019, severity: Severity-0
17:08, 13 June 2019, tolerance: No irritation
17:08, 13 June 2019, summary: Better than most
17:09, 13 June 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
17:09, 13 June 2019, relief: Moderate
17:14, 13 June 2019, extra:
My last outbreak was some time ago and I used the solution. It seemed to help a lot and it seemed to reduce the length of the outbreak. Since then I had an episode of pre-outbreak nerve pain down in my leg and I knew the blisters would soon follow. I was ready with the solution but somehow my body must have fought off the virus as it all died down and nothing appeared. [RE]That is a first for me. I've never had the outbreak symptoms without the blister/s.[/RE]

9:36, 14 November 2019, sex: MALE
9:36, 14 November 2019, skin: WHITE
9:36, 14 November 2019, site: UPPER BODY
9:36, 14 November 2019, complications: NO
9:37, 14 November 2019, no-yearly: 6-8
9:37, 14 November 2019, total-no: 20+
9:37, 14 November 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
9:42, 14 November 2019, symptoms:
Upper and lower lips as well as both corners of the mouth. Usually last 8-10 days depending where they appear. They last longer in the corner of the mouth since they keep cracking.

12:57, 29 March 2020, signchk: 1521ub2a
12:57, 29 March 2020, trial: HB2A
12:58, 29 March 2020, use: Using as required, now
12:58, 29 March 2020, severity: Severity-2
12:58, 29 March 2020, tolerance: No irritation
12:58, 29 March 2020, summary: Better than most
12:58, 29 March 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
12:59, 29 March 2020, relief: A lot
13:00, 29 March 2020, extra:
[RE]I'm finding the preparation has significantly reduced both the nature of the attacks and the frequency.[/RE]

12:26, 15 May 2018, sex: MALE
12:26, 15 May 2018, skin: WHITE
12:26, 15 May 2018, site: UPPER BODY
12:26, 15 May 2018, complications: NO
12:26, 15 May 2018, no-yearly: 12-24
12:26, 15 May 2018, total-no: 20+
12:27, 15 May 2018, place: MOVES AROUND
12:29, 15 May 2018, symptoms:
Regularly experience cold sores on the face 1-2 times per month. Various locations including lips, cheeks, nose, eyebrow.

Sent 1.1g HB2A 16/5/18.


8:42, 4 November 2019, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
8:42, 4 November 2019, trial: HB2A
8:42, 4 November 2019, use: Have used
8:42, 4 November 2019, severity: Severity-0
8:42, 4 November 2019, tolerance: No irritation
8:42, 4 November 2019, summary: Better than most
8:42, 4 November 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
8:43, 4 November 2019, relief: Cant say dont know
8:43, 4 November 2019, extra:
[RE]Nil outbreaks to report for October. I think this is the longest I've ever gone without anything, which is odd.[/RE]

11:56, 20 November 2019, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
11:56, 20 November 2019, trial: HB2A
11:56, 20 November 2019, use: Using as required, now
11:56, 20 November 2019, severity: Severity-5
11:56, 20 November 2019, tolerance: No irritation
11:56, 20 November 2019, summary: Better than most
11:56, 20 November 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
11:56, 20 November 2019, relief: Cant say dont know
11:59, 20 November 2019, extra:
Outbreak to the right side of the nose and right cheek. HB2A applied over 2-3 days and the outbreak appears to be reducing. [TL]Zovirax/Virasorb would normally bring the outbreak out further and scab over before getting better in 7+ days. HB2A no irritation and much faster results.[/TL]

10:44, 3 February 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
10:44, 3 February 2020, trial: HB2A
10:44, 3 February 2020, use: Have used
10:44, 3 February 2020, severity: Severity-0
10:44, 3 February 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:45, 3 February 2020, summary: Better than most
10:45, 3 February 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:45, 3 February 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
10:46, 3 February 2020, extra:
[RE]No outbreaks to report for January. Another four/five week period with nothing, which is highly unusual.[/RE]

10:39, 2 March 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
10:39, 2 March 2020, trial: HB2A
10:39, 2 March 2020, use: Have used
10:39, 2 March 2020, severity: Severity-0
10:39, 2 March 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:39, 2 March 2020, summary: Better than most
10:39, 2 March 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:39, 2 March 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
10:39, 2 March 2020, extra:
No outbreaks again for another month...!!!

15:00, 7 April 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
15:00, 7 April 2020, trial: HB2A
15:01, 7 April 2020, use: Have used
15:01, 7 April 2020, severity: Severity-0
15:01, 7 April 2020, tolerance: No irritation
15:01, 7 April 2020, summary: Better than most
15:01, 7 April 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
15:01, 7 April 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
15:02, 7 April 2020, extra:
[RE]No outbreaks again for March. Must be some kind of record for me now...!!![/RE]

10:34, 4 May 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
10:34, 4 May 2020, trial: HB2A
10:34, 4 May 2020, use: Have used
10:34, 4 May 2020, severity: Severity-0
10:34, 4 May 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:34, 4 May 2020, summary: Better than most
10:34, 4 May 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:35, 4 May 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
10:35, 4 May 2020, extra:
Another month with no outbreaks...!!!

10:34, 4 May 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
10:34, 4 May 2020, trial: HB2A
10:34, 4 May 2020, use: Have used
10:34, 4 May 2020, severity: Severity-0
10:34, 4 May 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:34, 4 May 2020, summary: Better than most
10:34, 4 May 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:35, 4 May 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
10:35, 4 May 2020, extra:
Another month with no outbreaks...!!!

Email 4/5/20: "[RE]I've just filed a 'no outbreaks' report for April, which must be 4, 5 or even 6 months now [5.5 months] in a row with nothing. Having regularly experienced outbreaks for years I am somewhat surprised and confused as to why.[/RE] Nothing materially has changed in terms of lifestyle, diet, routine etc, so really no idea as to why I've had no outbreaks now for an extended period of time."

12:36, 15 May 2020, signchk: 1752ub2x.1
12:36, 15 May 2020, trial: HB2A
12:36, 15 May 2020, use: Using as required, now
12:36, 15 May 2020, severity: Severity-5
12:36, 15 May 2020, tolerance: No irritation
12:36, 15 May 2020, summary: Better than most
12:37, 15 May 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
12:37, 15 May 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
12:39, 15 May 2020, extra:
Spoke too soon...!!! An outbreak on the right cheek under my eye. Not quite as severe as usual. No irritation or pain as usual. Almost out of HB2A if you are happy to send another ready for next time. Thanks.

2:30, 20 August 2019, sex: FEMALE
2:30, 20 August 2019, skin: WHITE
2:30, 20 August 2019, site: LOWER BODY
2:30, 20 August 2019, complications: NO
2:31, 20 August 2019, no-yearly: 4-10
2:31, 20 August 2019, total-no: 20+
2:31, 20 August 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
2:37, 20 August 2019, symptoms:
Any genital area from anus, crack between buttocks, labia with blisters to start turning to open sores.//Current attack on edge of labia, blister

Email 21/8/19: "We need to crack this horrid disease, so if I can help that and it helps me too I'm happy."

Sent 0.9g HB2A 22/8/19.

13:01, 22 September 2019, signchk: 2571lb2x.1
13:01, 22 September 2019, trial: HB2A
13:02, 22 September 2019, use: Have used
13:02, 22 September 2019, severity: Severity-0
13:03, 22 September 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
13:03, 22 September 2019, summary: Better than anything
13:03, 22 September 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
13:03, 22 September 2019, relief: A lot
13:08, 22 September 2019, extra:
16 Sept - suspected outbreak so tested preparation on arm//17 Sept - felt a possible a blister forming under skin so treated area. Slight tingle and heat (not burning)//18 Sept - Overnight blister became active. Treated with preparation.//19 September - Would normally have a much bigger blister with head, but symptoms reduced substantially and felt less active. Treated area again.//20 September - no sign of blister or any symptoms//Normally an attack would last + or - 7 days.

12:27, 3 November 2019, signchk: 2571lb2x.1
12:27, 3 November 2019, trial: HB2A
12:28, 3 November 2019, use: Have used
12:28, 3 November 2019, severity: Severity-0
12:28, 3 November 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
12:28, 3 November 2019, summary: Better than anything
12:29, 3 November 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
12:29, 3 November 2019, relief: A lot
12:30, 3 November 2019, extra:
No outbreaks to report.

9:13, 1 December 2019, signchk: 2571lb2x.1
9:13, 1 December 2019, trial: HB2A
9:13, 1 December 2019, use: Have used
9:13, 1 December 2019, severity: Severity-0
9:13, 1 December 2019, tolerance: Not relevant
9:14, 1 December 2019, summary: Better than anything
9:14, 1 December 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
9:14, 1 December 2019, relief: A lot
9:16, 1 December 2019, extra:
[RE]No outbreaks. This is unusual and I haven't been without an outbreak for this long for years.[/RE] I've only used the preparation once (i.e. during one episode, see above 22 Sept. entry).

10:10, 20 November 2017, sex: FEMALE
10:10, 20 November 2017, skin: WHITE
10:10, 20 November 2017, site: UPPER BODY
10:11, 20 November 2017, complications: NO
10:12, 20 November 2017, no-yearly: Upwards of 20 times a year
10:12, 20 November 2017, total-no: 20+
10:12, 20 November 2017, place: MOVES AROUND
10:16, 20 November 2017, symptoms:
Always facial - on lower lip or around or inside nose and on upper lip. More recently the sores appear continuously - one after the other - three or four times in a row which can last up to a month altogether. The next outbreak starts within a week or two.


Sent 1g HB2A 31/12/18.

21:30, 22 April 2019, signchk: 2644ub2x.2
21:30, 22 April 2019, trial: HB2A
21:31, 22 April 2019, use: Have used
21:31, 22 April 2019, severity: Severity-0
21:31, 22 April 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
21:31, 22 April 2019, summary: Better than anything
21:31, 22 April 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
21:32, 22 April 2019, relief: A little
21:33, 22 April 2019, extra:
[RE]Three months and no outbreaks; the longest I have gone without an outbreak as far back as I can remember ''''[/RE]

9:55, 23 May 2019, signchk: 2644ub2x.2
9:55, 23 May 2019, trial: HB2A
9:55, 23 May 2019, use: Have used
9:55, 23 May 2019, severity: Severity-0
9:55, 23 May 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
9:55, 23 May 2019, summary: Better than anything
9:56, 23 May 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
9:56, 23 May 2019, relief: A little
9:56, 23 May 2019, extra:
[RE]Four months without an outbreak.[/RE] Awesome '''' ... and thank you ''''


8:21, 25 June 2019, signchk: 2644ub2x.2
8:21, 25 June 2019, trial: HB2A
8:21, 25 June 2019, use: Using as required, now
8:21, 25 June 2019, severity: Severity-1
8:21, 25 June 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
8:21, 25 June 2019, summary: Better than anything
8:21, 25 June 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
8:21, 25 June 2019, relief: A little
8:26, 25 June 2019, extra:
So I got to five months and this morning there is redness, tenderness and slight swelling on my lip which began last night but I didn't recognise it as an outbreak because it was below the inner side of my lip. I can't see any vesicles at all - and they would certainly have appeared by now in the past. I am going to treat as a cold sore, apply the HB2A and see what happens. [RE]I'm obviously a bit disappointed but five months is the longest I have been without an outbreak for more than 20 years.[/RE]

14:40, 29 June 2017, sex: FEMALE
14:40, 29 June 2017, skin: WHITE
14:40, 29 June 2017, site: UPPER AND LOWER BODY
14:40, 29 June 2017, complications: NO
14:41, 29 June 2017, no-yearly: 1 - 2 times a month
14:41, 29 June 2017, total-no: 20+
14:41, 29 June 2017, place: MOVES AROUND
14:45, 29 June 2017, symptoms:
Usually 2 days before get prodomes, then lump appears, very painful and usually lasts for 10 days

29/6/17 Spoke on phone
"Will try anything"
Mostly below but outside
Inoculated herself from above to below
Confirmed HSV1 (twice)
Outbreaks last up to 10 days
Red, angry tumours either side of vulva, and above, moves around
2-5 lumps
Had it 6 years
Sometimes get nerve sensation (like sciatica) two days before
Has used neat Melissa, LomaHerpan, never pills
Goes through several tubes of LomaHerpan
Sometimes only a week between outbreaks

Sent large quantities (~5g) to cover large area.

19:35, 19 November 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
19:35, 19 November 2017, trial: HB3
19:35, 19 November 2017, use: now-using-T
19:35, 19 November 2017, severity: severity-0
19:35, 19 November 2017, tolerance: No irritation
19:35, 19 November 2017, summary: Better than anything
19:36, 19 November 2017, chemistry: WANT MORE
19:42, 19 November 2017, extra:
19.11.17 Running out of HB3 enough for this week only. Please post more Monday. No OB's prodromes or symptoms. [TL]HB3 is incredible, it's a magical potion. 3 months and no OB's.[/TL] Thank you, thank you

22:50, 20 November 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
22:50, 20 November 2017, trial: HB3
22:51, 20 November 2017, use: now-using-T
22:51, 20 November 2017, severity: severity-0
22:51, 20 November 2017, tolerance: No irritation
22:51, 20 November 2017, summary: Better than anything
22:51, 20 November 2017, chemistry: WANT MORE
22:53, 20 November 2017, extra:
Now run out of HB3. No OB or symptoms to report, all calm.

20/11/17: Emailed to say, pause for a while for skin to return to normal. Report when any symptoms return.

22:56, 28 November 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
22:56, 28 November 2017, trial: HB3
22:56, 28 November 2017, use: have-used-T
22:57, 28 November 2017, severity: severity-0
22:57, 28 November 2017, tolerance: No irritation
22:57, 28 November 2017, summary: Better than anything
22:57, 28 November 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
23:03, 28 November 2017, extra:
28 Nov 2017. I was using HB3 for 3 months which completely stopped my OB's and nerve end pain I was getting once sometimes twice a month. I have now been off HB3 for 1 week, I had some mild prodromes 2 days ago but nothing has appeared, no itching or OB. So it appears to still be keeping me from any OB. I was nervous to stop using HB3 and I've been unwell but everything is really good still.

21:57, 5 December 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
21:57, 5 December 2017, trial: HB3
21:57, 5 December 2017, use: have-used-T
21:58, 5 December 2017, severity: severity-0
21:58, 5 December 2017, tolerance: No irritation
21:58, 5 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
21:58, 5 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
22:08, 5 December 2017, extra:
5th Dec. Week 2 off HB3 and still no OB. [RE]I think being on HB3 for 3 months broke the cycle of monthly OB's I was having, I thought being off HB3 I would have had one by now as it's the time one would occur, so I'm delighted.[/RE] So far so good.

10:45, 12 December 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
10:45, 12 December 2017, trial: HB3
10:45, 12 December 2017, use: have-used-T
10:45, 12 December 2017, severity: severity-0
10:45, 12 December 2017, tolerance: Not relevant
10:46, 12 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
10:46, 12 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
10:56, 12 December 2017, extra:
12.12.17. Week 3 off HB3 and still no OB or symptoms. Feeling incredible, especially having gone through the time it would most likely occur. [TL]This has been the best, most effective product by far.[/TL]

22:51, 20 December 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
22:51, 20 December 2017, trial: HB3
22:51, 20 December 2017, use: have-used-T
22:51, 20 December 2017, severity: severity-0
22:51, 20 December 2017, tolerance: Not relevant
22:52, 20 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
22:52, 20 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
23:05, 20 December 2017, extra:
[RE]20.12.17 week 4 in my break from using HB3 [as prophylaxis] and very pleased to report no OB or symptoms. I've had lots of late nights, drinking and travelling so sleep deprivation. Been through a fairly stressful time and run down with a cold. It's amazing I've still not had an OB.[/RE]

16:03, 28 December 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
16:03, 28 December 2017, trial: HB3
16:03, 28 December 2017, use: have-used-T
16:04, 28 December 2017, severity: severity-0
16:04, 28 December 2017, tolerance: Not relevant
16:04, 28 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
16:04, 28 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
16:08, 28 December 2017, extra:
[RE]28.12.17, I've made it through the whole of December with no OB, I had a very very mild tingle today which lasted about 2 minutes. Nothing has happened other than that. I've had very late nights, been ill full of cold and run down, eaten anything I wanted and drank wine. I'm still OB free which is a miracle.[/RE]

19:14, 28 December 2017, signchk: 2652bb2x.2
19:14, 28 December 2017, trial: HB3
19:14, 28 December 2017, use: have-used-T
19:15, 28 December 2017, severity: severity-1
19:15, 28 December 2017, tolerance: Not relevant
19:15, 28 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
19:16, 28 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
19:19, 28 December 2017, extra:
28.12.17, reluctant to report, all was well today and I just found a small lump. I still feel positive that I went 4 months without an OB. 3 months on HB3 [as prophylaxis] and one month without anything. Still amazing for me. Will let you know how it progresses.

13:26, 19 August 2017, sex: MALE
13:26, 19 August 2017, skin: WHITE
13:26, 19 August 2017, site: UPPER BODY
13:26, 19 August 2017, complications: NO
13:27, 19 August 2017, no-yearly: 6 plus
13:27, 19 August 2017, total-no: 20+
13:27, 19 August 2017, place: SAME PLACE
13:31, 19 August 2017, symptoms:


17:58, 5 August 2019, sex: MALE
17:58, 5 August 2019, skin: WHITE
17:58, 5 August 2019, site: UPPER BODY
17:58, 5 August 2019, complications: NO
17:59, 5 August 2019, no-yearly: Was all year but not now 3 or 4 times
18:00, 5 August 2019, total-no: 10
18:00, 5 August 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
18:09, 5 August 2019, symptoms:
[Emailed the comments back with instruction to paste them into a report.]


Sent 1g HB3A 29/5/18.

Next was duplicate registration (above). Spoke on phone 6/8/19 to get report.

13:47, 6 August 2019, signchk: 1470ub3x.2
13:47, 6 August 2019, trial: HB3A
13:47, 6 August 2019, use: Using as required, now
13:47, 6 August 2019, severity: Severity-4
13:47, 6 August 2019, tolerance: No irritation
13:48, 6 August 2019, summary: Better than anything
13:48, 6 August 2019, chemistry: WANT MORE
13:48, 6 August 2019, relief: A lot
14:00, 6 August 2019, extra:
[RE]I used to get symptoms all year but not now, only 3 or 4 times.[/RE] HB3A is the bees knees I have not been bothered with cold sores since I started with your treatment the only thing I struggle with is the sun on my lips but the HB3A prevents the blisters they are on the lips all over sides of the mouth get swellings which are very sore but a lot less since I started the HB3A. It is a great treatment. I think the HB3A is better than the HB3 as it suppresses the symptoms better than the HB3.

Sent 0.8g HB3A 7/8/19.

16:39, 3 November 2019, signchk: 1470ub3x.2
16:39, 3 November 2019, trial: HB3A
16:40, 3 November 2019, use: Have used
16:40, 3 November 2019, severity: Severity-0
16:40, 3 November 2019, tolerance: No irritation
16:40, 3 November 2019, summary: Better than anything
16:41, 3 November 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
16:42, 3 November 2019, relief: Complete
16:44, 3 November 2019, extra:
Works very well have only had one outbreak and that was due to the sun.


13:55, 2 February 2020, signchk: 1470ub3x.2
13:55, 2 February 2020, trial: HB3A
13:55, 2 February 2020, use: Have used
13:55, 2 February 2020, severity: Severity-0
13:55, 2 February 2020, tolerance: No irritation
13:56, 2 February 2020, summary: Better than anything
13:56, 2 February 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
13:57, 2 February 2020, relief: None
14:02, 2 February 2020, extra:
[RE]Have had no cold sores since a long while the HB3A is working very well at the moment.[/RE]

9:34, 30 July 2019, sex: MALE
9:34, 30 July 2019, skin: WHITE
9:34, 30 July 2019, site: UPPER AND LOWER BODY
9:34, 30 July 2019, complications: NO
9:34, 30 July 2019, no-yearly: 8
9:35, 30 July 2019, total-no: 20+
9:35, 30 July 2019, place: SAME PLACE
9:39, 30 July 2019, symptoms:
I typically get reoccuring cold sores on my upper lip but sometimes it moves around my upper and lower lip some which blister and last for a week and some which are just small red blisters which go within a few days. I rarely get the infection spreading down to the penis but when I do it gets very red and sore around the tip area. This probably only occurs once or twice a year along with the lip cold sores. I typically get the lip sores when I am run down or stressed and about 8-10 times yearly.


13:39, 5 June 2020, signchk: 1733bb3a
13:39, 5 June 2020, trial: HB3A
13:39, 5 June 2020, use: Have used
13:39, 5 June 2020, severity: Severity-1
13:40, 5 June 2020, tolerance: Not relevant
13:40, 5 June 2020, summary: Cant say dont know
13:40, 5 June 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
13:40, 5 June 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
13:41, 5 June 2020, extra:
I've made no report recently because a very, very strange thing has happened, quite to my delight to be honest! [RE]Since my last HB3A use I have had NO outbreaks of any kind[/RE] albeit I have still had the symptoms, the sore throat, claggy feeling of excess mucus and even a slight tingle, but I have had absolutely no outbreaks whatsoever. I've had spicy food, indulgent weekends, stress mounting at work but no cold sore outbreak. How can this be? Maybe your formula has been at work in the background working some magic?

Above was pasted in on request, abridged version of email 1/6/20.


Email 4/5/21 (now removed from trial for lack of reporting): "[RE]I will keep an eye on my outbreaks now I am xxx at the xxx again as this is all very odd since I normally GET 6-12 OUTBREAKS A YEAR COULD YOUR WONDER TREATMENT HAVE CURED ME ???[/RE]"

Email 6/5/21: "Well I have definitely suffered way, way less outbreaks after using your treatment, this is a true record just two outbreaks within a year and both within a month of xxx..."

Email 27/8/21: "I had a cold sore outbreak in June which lasted just over a week, I used the Aciclovir cold sore cream and to no avail..."

13:40, 6 October 2019, sex: MALE
13:40, 6 October 2019, skin: WHITE
13:40, 6 October 2019, site: LOWER BODY
13:40, 6 October 2019, complications: NO
13:41, 6 October 2019, no-yearly: 8
13:41, 6 October 2019, total-no: 20
13:41, 6 October 2019, place: SAME PLACE


19:05, 8 October 2019, sex: MALE
19:05, 8 October 2019, skin: WHITE
19:06, 8 October 2019, site: LOWER BODY
19:06, 8 October 2019, complications: NO
19:06, 8 October 2019, no-yearly: 6
19:07, 8 October 2019, total-no: 18
19:08, 8 October 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
19:12, 8 October 2019, symptoms:
Lower Body, genitals, one or a small cluster of blisters.//Normally clear within 2-3 weeks.//Confirmed HSV 2

Sent 0.8g HB3A 23/10/19.


14:52, 4 May 2020, signchk: 1822lb3x.1
14:52, 4 May 2020, trial: HB3A
14:53, 4 May 2020, use: Have used
14:53, 4 May 2020, severity: Severity-0
14:53, 4 May 2020, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
14:54, 4 May 2020, summary: Better than anything
14:54, 4 May 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
14:55, 4 May 2020, relief: A little
14:56, 4 May 2020, extra:
After a pleasant two months with no outbreaks, as if by magic one appears. Then a consecutive second. Only a small spot on both occasions. The HB3A was applied no more than three times over 2 days. Despite a slight change in the texture of the treated skin area, the outbreak and the changing skin had all cleared to normal on the third day. Good result.

16:38, 30 October 2020, signchk: 1822lb3x.1
16:38, 30 October 2020, trial: HB3A
16:38, 30 October 2020, use: Using as required, now
16:39, 30 October 2020, severity: Severity-4
16:39, 30 October 2020, tolerance: Significant brief irritation
16:39, 30 October 2020, summary: Better than anything
16:40, 30 October 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
16:40, 30 October 2020, relief: A little
16:54, 30 October 2020, extra:
[RE]After 6 months of bliss and not a single outbreak without warning on the afternoon of Saturday 24th October a large outbreak appeared.[/RE] A cluster of 8 blisters appeared. The HB3A was applied once on the Saturday afternoon and again 3 times on Sunday and again 3 times on Monday. By Tuesday all these blisters had scabbed over and some had even fallen off. By Friday only a slight skin blemish remains. A very slight irritation when first applied however, a good result!

18:56, 17 October 2019, sex: FEMALE
18:56, 17 October 2019, skin: WHITE
18:56, 17 October 2019, site: LOWER BODY
18:56, 17 October 2019, complications: NO
18:56, 17 October 2019, no-yearly: 9-15
18:56, 17 October 2019, total-no: 200+
18:56, 17 October 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
18:59, 17 October 2019, symptoms:
Outer labia very painful lumps long blisters and groups of blisters, inside top of thigh area, inner labia

Sent 0.8g HB3A 23/10/19.


12:07, 27 January 2020, signchk: 2693lb3a
12:07, 27 January 2020, trial: HB3A
12:08, 27 January 2020, use: Using as required, now
12:08, 27 January 2020, severity: Severity-0
12:08, 27 January 2020, tolerance: No irritation
12:08, 27 January 2020, summary: Cant say dont know
12:08, 27 January 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
12:09, 27 January 2020, relief: Moderate
12:10, 27 January 2020, extra:
Cleared up quickly, the sore area did not get any worse after 3 applications.

19:32, 23 July 2020, signchk: 2693lb3a
19:32, 23 July 2020, trial: HB3A
19:33, 23 July 2020, use: Have used
19:33, 23 July 2020, severity: Severity-0
19:33, 23 July 2020, tolerance: Not relevant
19:33, 23 July 2020, summary: Cant say dont know
19:33, 23 July 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
19:34, 23 July 2020, relief: A lot
19:35, 23 July 2020, extra:
[RE]Not had an OB or sore for an unusually long time[/RE] have had a lot of tingling and nerve pain down my leg but not used the preparation since last time I reported.

10:05, 17 October 2019, sex: FEMALE
10:05, 17 October 2019, skin: WHITE
10:05, 17 October 2019, site: LOWER BODY
10:05, 17 October 2019, complications: NO
10:05, 17 October 2019, no-yearly: 30
10:06, 17 October 2019, total-no: 20+
10:06, 17 October 2019, place: SAME PLACE
10:09, 17 October 2019, symptoms:
Mostly frequent recurring anal outbreaks for the last 15 years at least 1-2 a month with a large spot swelling, very sore and messes with my mood. Lasts for 3-7 days.

Sent 0.8g HB3A 23/10/19.

Email 25/1/20: "I failed to make a report as I get frequent anal outbreaks and the brush is to small to use and not much liquid. Any way you could send a bigger bottle so I can swab it and use?"

Email 2/2/20, asked to put this in a report: "[RE]Very strange, I dabbed the lotion on a anal outbreak weeks ago and I haven't had any since? Just very mild ones.[/RE] This is great as I suffer continuously as you know."

10:00, 20 July 2019, sex: FEMALE
10:00, 20 July 2019, skin: WHITE
10:00, 20 July 2019, site: UPPER BODY
10:00, 20 July 2019, complications: NO
10:01, 20 July 2019, no-yearly: Varies up to 6
10:01, 20 July 2019, total-no: 20+
10:01, 20 July 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
10:09, 20 July 2019, symptoms:
All around lips top, bottom & corners. End of nose, side of nose, and inside nose. Initial itchiness then skin redness and swelling and finally painful blisters and open sores.

Email 25/7/19: "I have been blighted for most of my life with cold sores. I would like to prevent the outbreaks and Zovirax only seems to work sometimes."

Sent 1g HB4A 25/7/19.


10:24, 2 August 2020, signchk: 2520ub4a
10:24, 2 August 2020, trial: HB4A
10:25, 2 August 2020, use: Have used
10:25, 2 August 2020, severity: Severity-0
10:25, 2 August 2020, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
10:25, 2 August 2020, summary: Better than most
10:26, 2 August 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:26, 2 August 2020, relief: A lot
10:27, 2 August 2020, extra:
Last two months have been clear of outbreaks (Hurray)

21:58, 4 October 2020, signchk: 2520ub4a
21:58, 4 October 2020, trial: HB4A
21:58, 4 October 2020, use: Have used
21:58, 4 October 2020, severity: Severity-0
22:00, 4 October 2020, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
22:00, 4 October 2020, summary: Better than most
22:00, 4 October 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
22:00, 4 October 2020, relief: A lot
22:01, 4 October 2020, extra:
[RE]Another 2 months without outbreaks!!![/RE]

22:58, 6 December 2020, signchk: 2520ub4a
22:58, 6 December 2020, trial: HB4A
22:58, 6 December 2020, use: Have used
22:59, 6 December 2020, severity: Severity-0
22:59, 6 December 2020, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
22:59, 6 December 2020, summary: Better than most
22:59, 6 December 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
22:59, 6 December 2020, relief: A lot
23:04, 6 December 2020, extra:
I think I may have missed reporting on October but there was no outbreak. Had 3 minor outbreaks in November. The 1st one snuck up in the night but I hit it with the lotion first thing after I woke and it helped a lot. The 2nd & 3rd came along rapidly after the 1st outbreak but as they did so in the day I gave them the treatment immediately and they went away in short order.

20:22, 8 February 2019, sex: FEMALE
20:22, 8 February 2019, skin: WHITE
20:22, 8 February 2019, site: LOWER BODY
20:22, 8 February 2019, complications: NO
20:23, 8 February 2019, no-yearly: Almost constantly for months at a time
20:24, 8 February 2019, total-no: 20+
20:24, 8 February 2019, place: SAME PLACE
20:27, 8 February 2019, symptoms:
Upper thighs, outer and inner labia and groin//Sometimes tiny reds dots, sometimes swollen and sore labia//Almost constant tingling and itching//Confirmed HSV-2


Sent 0.85g HB4A 17/4/19.

17:44, 13 May 2019, signchk: 2912la1x.2
17:44, 13 May 2019, trial: HB4A
17:48, 13 May 2019, use: Using as required, now
17:48, 13 May 2019, severity: Severity-2
17:49, 13 May 2019, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
17:49, 13 May 2019, summary: Better than anything
17:49, 13 May 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
17:50, 13 May 2019, relief: Complete
17:54, 13 May 2019, extra:
[RE]I'm not sure whether this is coincidental timing or not but since using the new solutions my outbreaks have almost stopped. Occasionally I have experienced some mild symptoms but they have not been developing into a full outbreak and usually disappear within a few hours of application. This has been my first outbreak free month since January.[/RE]

10:47, 21 September 2017, sex: FEMALE
10:47, 21 September 2017, skin: WHITE
10:48, 21 September 2017, site: UPPER BODY
10:48, 21 September 2017, complications: NO
10:48, 21 September 2017, no-yearly: 12
10:48, 21 September 2017, total-no: 20+
10:49, 21 September 2017, place: SAME PLACE
10:50, 21 September 2017, symptoms:
Mouth & nose.


13:12, 14 May 2020, signchk: 2736ub3x.2
13:12, 14 May 2020, trial: HB3A
13:12, 14 May 2020, use: Using for prophylaxis
13:12, 14 May 2020, severity: Severity-0
13:12, 14 May 2020, tolerance: No irritation
13:12, 14 May 2020, summary: Better than anything
13:13, 14 May 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
13:13, 14 May 2020, relief: Complete
13:16, 14 May 2020, extra:
Apologies for lack of reporting. Amazed I've not had an outbreak during the lockdown... stressful xxx an xxx & xxx! ''''

10:00, 16 June 2020, signchk: 2736ub3x.2
10:00, 16 June 2020, trial: HB3A
10:00, 16 June 2020, use: Using for prophylaxis
10:00, 16 June 2020, severity: Severity-1
10:00, 16 June 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:01, 16 June 2020, summary: Better than anything
10:01, 16 June 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
10:02, 16 June 2020, relief: Complete
10:08, 16 June 2020, extra:
Generally apply once every 3/4 weeks- usually because I forget! [RE]However, I hardly get outbreaks these days compared to pre-trial when I was getting them once or twice a month. Also if I do get an outbreak, they are much smaller, i.e. one small blister not a cluster.[/RE] I have run out of preparation. Many thanks.


17:27, 15 May 2019, sex: FEMALE
17:27, 15 May 2019, skin: WHITE
17:27, 15 May 2019, site: LOWER BODY
17:27, 15 May 2019, complications: NO
17:27, 15 May 2019, no-yearly: 24
17:27, 15 May 2019, total-no: 20+
17:28, 15 May 2019, place: MOVES AROUND
17:31, 15 May 2019, symptoms:
Outer labia//Painful blisters//Internal//Itch//Swelling//Confirmed HSV2

Confirmed on phone, said outbreaks every two weeks, "almost constant."


Sent 1.2g HB5 27/5/20.

10:45, 20 November 2020, signchk: 2811lf2x.2
10:45, 20 November 2020, trial: HB5
10:45, 20 November 2020, use: Using for prophylaxis
10:45, 20 November 2020, severity: Severity-1
10:45, 20 November 2020, tolerance: No irritation
10:45, 20 November 2020, summary: Less effective
10:45, 20 November 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
10:46, 20 November 2020, relief: None
10:48, 20 November 2020, extra:
Is this a placebo? Doesn't reduce itching/discomfort, no pain currently so can't comment on that, early days in my use of this preparation though.

Email 21/11/20: "You're right I've not reported for a while. [RE]This is because I found there to be lasting positive effects from HF2C and I had nothing to report and I wasn't using HB5.[/RE]"

12:47, 6 April 2017, sex: FEMALE
12:47, 6 April 2017, skin: WHITE
12:47, 6 April 2017, site: UPPER BODY
12:47, 6 April 2017, complications: NO
12:48, 6 April 2017, no-yearly: 4
12:48, 6 April 2017, total-no: 20
12:48, 6 April 2017, place: SAME PLACE
12:50, 6 April 2017, symptoms:
Upper lip

18:45, 23 August 2017, signchk: 2620uf2
18:45, 23 August 2017, trial: HF2
18:45, 23 August 2017, severity: severity-0, use: have-used-T
18:45, 23 August 2017, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
18:46, 23 August 2017, summary: Better than anything
18:46, 23 August 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
18:50, 23 August 2017, extra:
Apologies for not reporting regularly. I have had no full blown outbreaks. [AP]However I have had 2 episodes of tingling in the usual area of my upper lip. I applied the balm immediately and continued for a day and no cold sore developed.[/AP] I like the fact that you can feel when this product has been applied. It feels like it is actually doing something.

12:14, 3 May 2018, signchk: 2620uf2
12:14, 3 May 2018, trial: HF2
12:14, 3 May 2018, use: Using as required, now
12:14, 3 May 2018, severity: Severity-2
12:15, 3 May 2018, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
12:15, 3 May 2018, summary: Better than anything
12:15, 3 May 2018, chemistry: WANT MORE
12:18, 3 May 2018, extra:
[RE]The frequency of my outbreaks on my upper lip has reduced and the severity has definitely reduced.[/RE] All other preparations I have used fail to reduce the normal course of my outbreak but HF2 has actually stopped the outbreak progressing to full blister stage and my coldsore is now healing without the usual discomfort and disfigurement.

UPPER BODY "Lip, tingles and sensitivity in my cheek. Inside my nose first, sore to appear on my lip and vice versa."
SAME PLACE "No, but usually either nasal or upper lip."


13:53, 30 December 2019, sex: FEMALE
13:54, 30 December 2019, skin: WHITE
13:54, 30 December 2019, site: UPPER BODY
13:54, 30 December 2019, complications: NO
13:54, 30 December 2019, no-yearly: 6-7
13:54, 30 December 2019, total-no: 20+
13:54, 30 December 2019, place: SAME PLACE
13:56, 30 December 2019, symptoms:
Always starts around the nose then spreads to upper lip. Come up very quickly and have been blighted by them all my life. I have a large cold sore currently and my last outbreak was 8 weeks ago.

HF2 SENT 13/02/17

17:34, 8 March 2017, signchk: 2630uf2
17:35, 8 March 2017, trial: HF2
17:35, 8 March 2017, severity: severity-5, use: now-using-T
17:35, 8 March 2017, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
17:35, 8 March 2017, summary: Better than most
17:35, 8 March 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
17:37, 8 March 2017, logentry=
Have been applying frequently since first tingle (5-6 times a day). [TL]This is day 3 and some parts of the cold sore are already beginning to shed. So very pleased.[/TL]

HF2 2nd batch SENT 9/03/17

31/12/19: Reregistered, due to paucity of reports previously, told to purchase.

Email 9/1/20: "I stopped recording my coldsores because they had ceased and the form didn't allow for that. [RE]There is definitely a residual benefit as my next coldsore was in October (2019) and then my more recent one was over the Christmas period.[/RE] Fortunately I had some left to use on my last outbreak and it healed much quicker than with proprietory brands."

10/1/20: Inactivated file reactivated. Told to report with above in comments box, still has some HF2?

13:52, 23 January 2020, signchk: 2630uf2
13:52, 23 January 2020, trial: HF2
13:52, 23 January 2020, use: Have used
13:53, 23 January 2020, severity: Severity-5
13:53, 23 January 2020, tolerance: No irritation
13:53, 23 January 2020, summary: Better than anything
13:53, 23 January 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
13:54, 23 January 2020, relief: A lot
14:04, 23 January 2020, extra:
N.B. relates to outbreaks in October 2019 and Jan 2020. I had stopped recording because my coldsores had ceased once I had been using the prep for I think 2-3 outbreaks and I forgot. My next coldsore after my last report [8 March 2017] was in Oct 2019 but I was away and didn't have my bottle. The next was over Xmas and New year 2019/20. I used the last of my bottle to treat it. [RE]That there was such a large break between outbreaks is I think indicative of the residual effect of the HF2.[/RE] Please send more.

24/1/20: Told to purchase HF2C.

22:53, 26 March 2017, sex: FEMALE
22:53, 26 March 2017, skin: WHITE
22:53, 26 March 2017, site: UPPER BODY
22:54, 26 March 2017, no-yearly: 6-8
22:54, 26 March 2017, total-no: 20+
22:54, 26 March 2017, place: MOVES AROUND
22:56, 26 March 2017, symptoms:
Always facial cold sores. Generally on or above the top lip and not always in the same place as before.


10:11, 2 January 2018, signchk: 2684uf2x.1
10:11, 2 January 2018, trial: HF2
10:11, 2 January 2018, use: now-using-T
10:11, 2 January 2018, severity: severity-1
10:11, 2 January 2018, tolerance: No irritation
10:12, 2 January 2018, summary: Better than anything
10:12, 2 January 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
10:12, 2 January 2018, extra:

14:19, 6 April 2018, signchk: 2684uf2x.1
14:19, 6 April 2018, trial: HF2
14:20, 6 April 2018, use: Have used
14:20, 6 April 2018, severity: Severity-0
14:20, 6 April 2018, tolerance: No irritation
14:20, 6 April 2018, summary: Better than anything
14:21, 6 April 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
14:22, 6 April 2018, extra:
[RE]Time between outbreaks seems to have increased, also the healing time during an outbreak has, in most cases, decreased.[/RE]

17:53, 1 April 2017, sex: FEMALE
17:54, 1 April 2017, skin: WHITE
17:54, 1 April 2017, site: UPPER BODY
17:54, 1 April 2017, complications: NO
17:54, 1 April 2017, no-yearly: 15
17:54, 1 April 2017, total-no: 20+
17:55, 1 April 2017, place: SAME PLACE
17:56, 1 April 2017, symptoms:
I get coldsores on my lower lip, it can move around my lip but the last few have been in the exact same place.


15:08, 26 August 2017, signchk: 2896uf2x.1
15:08, 26 August 2017, trial: HF2
15:08, 26 August 2017, severity: severity-2, use: now-using-T
15:08, 26 August 2017, tolerance: No irritation
15:08, 26 August 2017, summary: Better than anything
15:09, 26 August 2017, chemistry: WANT MORE
15:11, 26 August 2017, extra:
I have used the treatment twice without reporting as it was at the first tinglings and I wasn't sure if it was an outbreak or not, they did not progress. I have an outbreak now and the treatment is not as painful as it has been previously. I would like more of the treatment if possible or I would be happy to try the new trial. [RE]I used to get outbreaks at least monthly and this has drastically decreased since using this.[/RE]

27/8/17: Not made enough reports to send more.

31/5/18: Emailed wanting to buy, suggested re-joining trial.

Email 31/5/18: Important question: Earlier, on 26 August 2017, you reported "I used to get outbreaks at least monthly and this has drastically decreased since using this." In this period during which you have not been using HF2, has the rate of outbreaks stayed at this new, lower level or has it increased back to "at least monthly"? I realise this is very subjective but do your best.

Email 31/5/18: Important reply: "I feel it has stayed at the reduced level and would say I am currently on my 2nd or 3rd outbreak in 2018 so far, so for me this is quite good. I would love to rejoin the trial if possible as I do feel the last time benefited me and maybe it could improve even more. I did struggle with the reporting last time not having a computer but if it is more mobile friendly now I will definitely be able to provide more information. I look forward to hearing back from you."


20:48, 5 June 2017, sex: MALE
20:48, 5 June 2017, skin: WHITE
20:49, 5 June 2017, site: UPPER BODY
20:49, 5 June 2017, complications: NO
20:49, 5 June 2017, no-yearly: This is the first time
20:49, 5 June 2017, total-no: 1
20:49, 5 June 2017, place: SAME PLACE
20:52, 5 June 2017, symptoms:
Upper lip, red, swelling, some discomfort.

Sent HF2C.

17:21, 23 August 2017, signchk: 1520uf2c
17:21, 23 August 2017, trial: HF2C
17:22, 23 August 2017, severity: severity-0, use: have-used-T
17:22, 23 August 2017, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
17:23, 23 August 2017, summary: Better than anything
17:24, 23 August 2017, chemistry: WANT MORE
17:28, 23 August 2017, extra:
I applied the product immediately upon receipt, twice the first evening and 6 times/day thereafter. At the point the sample was empty, my lip had not broken out and didn't subsequently. [TL]I have not had another event.[/TL]

Email 27/8/17: Not sending more.

Email 8/4/20: On emailing him to query outcome he replied "[RE]I've had no further symptoms.[/RE]"

LOWER BODY (Buttocks)
OUTBREAKS 20+ ("10 outbreaks last year")
SAME PLACE ("left bum usually, only a couple of times elsewhere on right side")


28/8/17: Sent 1.5ml HF2C

13:27, 1 December 2017, signchk: 1560lf2x.2
13:27, 1 December 2017, trial: HF2C
13:27, 1 December 2017, use: now-using-T
13:28, 1 December 2017, severity: severity-1
13:28, 1 December 2017, tolerance: No irritation
13:28, 1 December 2017, summary: Better than most
13:28, 1 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
13:30, 1 December 2017, extra:
[RE]Sorry for lack of reports but yesterday was first outbreak for some time and it is very minor.[/RE] It is certainly helpful. Would you like me to continue reporting nonetheless?


20:17, 23 July 2018, signchk: 1560lf2x.2
20:17, 23 July 2018, trial: HF2C
20:17, 23 July 2018, use: Using as required, now
20:17, 23 July 2018, severity: Severity-4
20:17, 23 July 2018, tolerance: No irritation
20:17, 23 July 2018, summary: Better than most
20:18, 23 July 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
20:18, 23 July 2018, relief: A lot
20:20, 23 July 2018, extra:
[RE]Strangely had been intending to report that I had been without an outbreak for several months when a very small outbreak appeared yesterday. Usual place top left bum. Very mild outbreak.[/RE] No iritation from use of prep.

16:39, 30 September 2018, signchk: 1560lf2x.2
16:39, 30 September 2018, trial: HF2C
16:39, 30 September 2018, use: Using as required, now
16:39, 30 September 2018, severity: Severity-4
16:39, 30 September 2018, tolerance: No irritation
16:39, 30 September 2018, summary: Better than most
16:39, 30 September 2018, chemistry: WANT MORE
16:39, 30 September 2018, relief: A lot
16:41, 30 September 2018, extra:
[RE]First outbreak after a long break possibly because I have back pain at the moment so am feeling more stressed. Usual place top left bum but relatively small outbreak.[/RE]

10:06, 8 May 2017, sex: FEMALE
10:06, 8 May 2017, skin: WHITE
10:06, 8 May 2017, site: UPPER BODY
10:06, 8 May 2017, complications: NO
10:07, 8 May 2017, no-yearly: 10
10:07, 8 May 2017, total-no: 20+
10:07, 8 May 2017, place: SAME PLACE
10:08, 8 May 2017, symptoms:
Normally on my lips on the left side


Sent HF2C 15/6/17: "I have not got enough HF2 for another outbreak"


15:54, 28 December 2017, signchk: 2602uf2x.2
15:54, 28 December 2017, trial: HF2C
15:55, 28 December 2017, use: have-used-T
15:55, 28 December 2017, severity: severity-0
15:55, 28 December 2017, tolerance: No irritation
15:55, 28 December 2017, summary: Better than anything
15:55, 28 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
16:00, 28 December 2017, extra:
No outbreaks since May 2017. March, April and May I had a string of 7 outbreaks moving around my lips. As one ended the next started. [RE]Used target and the cycle was broken.[/RE] I have not used the preparation since as I have had no symptoms not even tingling. I have stopped eating trigger foods which should also help. [TL]Thanks for your preparation it worked well for me and decreased the severity and length of the attacks.[/TL] All the best to you for 2018.


11:45, 1 September 2019, signchk: 2602uf2x.2
11:45, 1 September 2019, trial: HF2C
11:45, 1 September 2019, use: Have used
11:45, 1 September 2019, severity: Severity-0
11:45, 1 September 2019, tolerance: Not relevant
11:45, 1 September 2019, summary: Better than anything
11:46, 1 September 2019, chemistry: No problems at all
11:46, 1 September 2019, relief: A lot
11:47, 1 September 2019, extra:
[RE]No outbreaks for some time, which is unusual during summer. Sunshine can trigger an outbreak for me.[/RE]

17:15, 13 June 2017, sex: FEMALE
17:15, 13 June 2017, skin: WHITE
17:15, 13 June 2017, site: UPPER BODY
17:15, 13 June 2017, complications: NO
17:16, 13 June 2017, no-yearly: 3 - 6
17:16, 13 June 2017, total-no: 20+
17:16, 13 June 2017, place: SAME PLACE
17:20, 13 June 2017, symptoms:
Repeatedly cold sore on upper lip, typically in same place (but now always). First redness, then development of blister, which takes a while to heal.


16:23, 26 April 2020, signchk: 2611uf2c
16:23, 26 April 2020, trial: HF2C
16:24, 26 April 2020, use: Have used
16:24, 26 April 2020, severity: Severity-0
16:24, 26 April 2020, tolerance: No irritation
16:24, 26 April 2020, summary: Better than anything
16:24, 26 April 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
16:24, 26 April 2020, relief: Cant say dont know
16:28, 26 April 2020, extra:
Outbreak reported on 19.04.20 is now over. Duration was ca. 75% of typical, severity was ca. 60% of typical.//Thank you very much for your email answering my question!


14:16, 7 February 2021, signchk: 2611uf2c
14:16, 7 February 2021, trial: HF2C
14:16, 7 February 2021, use: Have used
14:16, 7 February 2021, severity: Severity-0
14:16, 7 February 2021, tolerance: No irritation
14:16, 7 February 2021, summary: Better than anything
14:16, 7 February 2021, chemistry: No problems at all
14:17, 7 February 2021, relief: Cant say dont know
14:19, 7 February 2021, extra:
Apologies for not reporting more frequently, but thankfully at the moment (and for some time!) no problems with HSV infection.

20:45, 28 March 2021, signchk: 2611uf2c
20:45, 28 March 2021, trial: HF2C
20:45, 28 March 2021, use: Have used
20:45, 28 March 2021, severity: Severity-0
20:46, 28 March 2021, tolerance: No irritation
20:46, 28 March 2021, summary: Better than anything
20:46, 28 March 2021, chemistry: No problems at all
20:46, 28 March 2021, relief: Cant say dont know
20:49, 28 March 2021, extra:
Thankfully still no outbreaks! [RE]This is probably the longest period without an outbreak (hope it continues).[/RE] Thanks for your Target Trial Update E-mails, they act as a prompt to report when there are no symptoms.

Email 28/4/21 (on deactivation from trial): "I am really surprised that my last outbreak was a year ago, but obviously extremely glad that the outbreaks have stopped (for now ...). I hope it stays this way!"

OUTBREAKS 20+ "since a child, outbreaks (at least 6) every year, mainly on the lips, really bad outbreak a few years ago on my cheek"


2:10, 3 December 2017, sex: FEMALE
2:10, 3 December 2017, skin: WHITE
2:10, 3 December 2017, site: UPPER BODY
2:11, 3 December 2017, complications: NO
2:11, 3 December 2017, no-yearly: varies sometimes every 3/4 weeks then can go ages without an outbreak
2:12, 3 December 2017, total-no: 20+
2:12, 3 December 2017, place: MOVES AROUND
2:17, 3 December 2017, symptoms:
Normally on various parts of the lips but I once had a massive outbreak on my cheek which was a total shock as I didn't know you could get them there


Sent ~0.3g HF2C 3/12/17

18:48, 11 January 2018, signchk: 2640uf2x.2
18:48, 11 January 2018, trial: HF2C
18:48, 11 January 2018, use: now-using-T
18:49, 11 January 2018, severity: severity-1
18:49, 11 January 2018, tolerance: No irritation
18:49, 11 January 2018, summary: Better than anything
18:49, 11 January 2018, chemistry: WANT MORE
19:02, 11 January 2018, extra:
Got that dreaded tingle on my lip on Tuesday 9/1/18 (first of the year :-() Got my bottle of magic out (HF2) and applied a small amount to the tingling area. Applied between 4 - 5 during the day and before I went to bed. [AP]Wednesday 10/1/18 and already can feel a vast improvement no tingling and no blister has appeared still applied during the day and before I went to bed. Thursday 11/1/18 and I have no signs what so ever of even having the start of cold sore.[/AP] Brilliant? happy? YES

21:52, 28 April 2018, signchk: 2640uf2x.2
21:52, 28 April 2018, trial: HF2C
21:52, 28 April 2018, use: Have used
21:52, 28 April 2018, severity: Severity-0
21:52, 28 April 2018, tolerance: No irritation
21:52, 28 April 2018, summary: Better than anything
21:53, 28 April 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
21:58, 28 April 2018, extra:
Sorry it's been a while since my last report, but I had some very bad news and have been under a lot of stress and upset. On the plus side when I get stressed/upset I normally have a very severe outbreak but I have not had one single cold sore, or even a tingle since my last one back in January/February. [RE]I cannot believe I have gone so long without an outbreak. It would normally be one after the other but thanks to HF2 I have nothing to report.[/RE]

10:55, 23 May 2017, sex: FEMALE
10:55, 23 May 2017, skin: WHITE
10:55, 23 May 2017, site: UPPER BODY
10:55, 23 May 2017, complications: NO
10:56, 23 May 2017, no-yearly: 20
10:56, 23 May 2017, total-no: 20+
10:56, 23 May 2017, place: SAME PLACE
10:58, 23 May 2017, symptoms:
I get cold sores very often usually at stressful time (even if I don't think I am stressed) and sunshine.


10:38, 24 August 2017, sex: FEMALE
10:38, 24 August 2017, skin: WHITE
10:38, 24 August 2017, site: UPPER BODY
10:38, 24 August 2017, complications: NO
10:38, 24 August 2017, no-yearly: 12
10:38, 24 August 2017, total-no: 20+
10:38, 24 August 2017, place: SAME PLACE


11:19, 21 December 2017, signchk: 2641uf2c
11:19, 21 December 2017, trial: HF2C
11:19, 21 December 2017, use: now-using-T
11:19, 21 December 2017, severity: severity-0
11:19, 21 December 2017, tolerance: No irritation
11:19, 21 December 2017, summary: Better than most
11:20, 21 December 2017, chemistry: No problems at all
11:21, 21 December 2017, extra:
[TL]Used at breakout and it takes away the pain and blister. Clears it up within 4 days which is better than most.[/TL] I don't use as a preventative purely because the taste is so strong.

11:44, 29 May 2018, signchk: 2641uf2c
11:44, 29 May 2018, trial: HF2C
11:44, 29 May 2018, use: Using as required, now
11:44, 29 May 2018, severity: Severity-1
11:45, 29 May 2018, tolerance: No irritation
11:45, 29 May 2018, summary: Better than anything
11:45, 29 May 2018, chemistry: No problems at all
11:45, 29 May 2018, relief: A lot
11:46, 29 May 2018, extra:
[RE]I hardly get a breakout since trialing this, but was in sunlight all weekend and can feel a breakout coming so have used.[/RE]

11:38, 24 May 2017, sex: FEMALE
11:38, 24 May 2017, skin: WHITE
11:38, 24 May 2017, site: UPPER BODY
11:39, 24 May 2017, complications: NO
11:39, 24 May 2017, no-yearly: About 6 to 10, it depends
11:39, 24 May 2017, total-no: 20
11:40, 24 May 2017, place: MOVES AROUND
11:42, 24 May 2017, symptoms:
The cold sores are mostly round my mouth but I do get them below my nose & occasionally just off my mouth.


8:01, 27 February 2020, signchk: 2722uf2x.1
8:01, 27 February 2020, trial: HF2C
8:01, 27 February 2020, use: Using as required, now
8:02, 27 February 2020, severity: Severity-3
8:02, 27 February 2020, tolerance: No irritation
8:02, 27 February 2020, summary: Better than anything
8:02, 27 February 2020, chemistry: WANT MORE
8:02, 27 February 2020, relief: A little
8:04, 27 February 2020, extra:
Coldsore came up Monday, I ignored it, started taking the preparation Wednesday morning, the coldsore was painful, it's now Thursday morning & I have no pain from it & it's just like a scab now.

19:31, 13 August 2020, signchk: 2722uf2x.1
19:31, 13 August 2020, trial: HF2C
19:31, 13 August 2020, use: Have used
19:31, 13 August 2020, severity: Severity-0
19:31, 13 August 2020, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
19:31, 13 August 2020, summary: Better than anything
19:31, 13 August 2020, chemistry: No problems at all
19:31, 13 August 2020, relief: A lot
19:33, 13 August 2020, extra:
I'm so lucky I haven't had any outbreaks for a few months. But I can honestly say this is the best thing I have ever used. It gets rid of my coldsores within about 3 days.

Email 13/8/20: "[TL]I would be gutted if I was taken off the program. This is the best stuff I've ever used.[/TL]"

11:47, 15 February 2021, signchk: 2722uf2x.1
11:47, 15 February 2021, trial: HF2C
11:48, 15 February 2021, use: Have used
11:48, 15 February 2021, severity: Severity-0
11:48, 15 February 2021, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
11:48, 15 February 2021, summary: Better than anything
11:48, 15 February 2021, chemistry: No problems at all
11:48, 15 February 2021, relief: Moderate
11:50, 15 February 2021, extra:
I haven't had a coldsore for quite some time now.... In this lockdown period.... I suppose I'm lucky.//I would not want to come off the trial though as this is the best stuff I've used.

9:29, 27 March 2021, signchk: 2722uf2x.1
9:29, 27 March 2021, trial: HF2C
9:29, 27 March 2021, use: Using as required, now
9:30, 27 March 2021, severity: Severity-3
9:30, 27 March 2021, tolerance: Mild, brief irritation
9:30, 27 March 2021, summary: Better than anything
9:30, 27 March 2021, chemistry: WANT MORE
9:30, 27 March 2021, relief: A lot
9:32, 27 March 2021, extra:
[RE]Can't believe I went about a year with no cold sores....[/RE] Now I'm on my second one in about 6 weeks, this one is on my top lip, I always find these ones more painful, don't get top lip ones very often....